Couples and Families Therapy
Pre-Marital Counseling
Pre-Marital Counseling is a 8-10 session counseling package that is ideal for couples who are engaged. This package is also appropriate for pre-engaged couples who are considering a formal commitment to engagement and marriage. Through the use of questionnaires and tests such as the Prepare-Enrich Inventory, this program incorporates in-depth assessment of family history, personality, and expectations for marriage from a Christian perspective.
Marriage Therapy
If your marriage is stuck in an unhealthy pattern or in crisis please call us for an appointment. Our marriage therapists can help you to develop healthier ways of relating and work with you to resolve your current dilemma. Sometimes families are broadsided by events that leave them reeling: miscarriage or infertility, special needs children, unfaithfulness in marriage, recovery from divorce, addictions that chaotically disrupt your home, the stress of care-taking elderly parents, trauma from crime, accidents, death or frightening health concerns. Christian counseling by our professional therapists will give you practical strategies.
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